Saturday, May 24, 2008

External commands in MATLAB

For some time now, I have often wondered why MATLAB highlighted text starting with a ! in a different colour. I thought nothing of it until recently when I was, as always, randomly entering code into MATLAB and had accidentally put a exclamation mark in the command window (I can't remember the exact reason why I was using exclamation marks). The result was quite interesting: it sent the command to the command interpreter outside of MATLAB which, of course, flagged this as an error. In seeing this, I stopped what I was doing and started to play about with this newly discovered shortcut.

My first command was !bash which, being in Linux, should run the BASH shell... which it did. I could then use MATLAB as a glorified terminal window. Whilst in BASH, I decided to check for updates for the machine which would require me to use sudo followed by the update command (and as I use Ubuntu, that's simply turns out to be sudo apt-get update). As always (with the exception of doing this in MATLAB), I was prompted for my password. Interestingly, MATLAB behaved like the terminal window and didn't display my password which normally happens should one Telnet their POP3 server (a hobby of mine). I guess this would be due to a so-called seamless "pipe" between MATLAB and, in this case, BASH.

From here, one can then go a step further an build m-files that run external commands. Of course, there's the issue of platform dependency here (mainly for the UNIX group) but one can work around this issue. A nice feature (at least in the UNIX version) is the fact that ! commands run in the current working directory (try !pwd and await a response) which means navigation isn't a problem. One minor niggle that I haven't been able to resolve just yet is trying to take a result from the external command without resulting to taking output manually using the command > output.log method.

So let's create something that works out what platform we're running on from within MATLAB and obtains the flavour of Linux using Linux command uname

if isunix

% In Unix, determine OS type

!uname -s > unixname.txt

% Now read this file:

fid = fopen(unixname.txt, 'rt');

if feof(fid) == 0 % Determine if at end of file

osname = fgetl(fid); % Get line


disp('File ended early');


elseif ispc

disp('I''m in MS Windows');


disp('Impossible: You''re not running either Windows or UNIX?');


Hopefully you are able to see the potential here in executing external applications based on what operating system environment is currently being used. Both Windows and UNIX support the command > output.log method (which you may remember from the Queue system). In fact, I frequently create script files using a combination of echo and the "append" verb >> where I can get away with it.

Read more on this article...

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Not too long ago, I was entering random commands into MATLAB (read: I was bored, so wondered if certain commands existed). I finally came across a few "games" which would have a practical side to them:

  • xpbombs for a Minesweeper equivalent

  • fifteen for a puzzle game

  • sf_tictacflow for naughts and crosses/Tic-Tac-Toe

  • sf_tetris for Tetris

It was after this search, I wondered into the LaTeX command which was cunningly called latex. This command makes it possible to port equations and matrices from the MATLAB workspace to your LaTeX document.

The latex command makes use of the Symbolic Toolbox which is available with MATLAB (providing you have the appropriate licence). The Symbolic Toolbox can easily calculate integrals and Taylor expansions algebraically (however it doesn't show workings if you're looking for the intermediate steps). It can even convert matrices and vectors into LaTeX providing you convert the matrix or vector into a symbolic object first.

To convert an ordinary double object into symbolic object, one simply has to encapsulate the double object in a sym environment, i.e. output = sym(x). The outputted object can then be processed for LaTeX conversion using the latex(output). In the case of matrices, the output even puts the dynamic brackets that resize depending on its contents (i.e. the \left[ and \right]) which, of course, can be changed to whatever you want once its imported into your document.

Taylor expansions? No problem. Simply assign a variable like x to be symbolic by either typing syms x or x = sym('x'), then output = taylor(exp(x)) should you wish to see the Taylor expansion of e^x. As before, LaTeX-ify the output by using latex(output) which you can then copy into your document.

If copy and pasting is getting a little too much, you could use the inbuilt copy command which will move the output into clipboard for you. All you'll have to do then is paste the contents of clipboard into the application of your choice. Easy. Here's the code: clipboard('copy', latex(output)).

What obviously comes next is a quick script that does this all for you depending on the input. Like many of my scripts, I simply append the word "it" to the original function name; so in this case I created a latexit.m file:

function output = latexit(input, copyToClipboard)

output = [];

if nargin == 1

copyToClipboard = true;

elseif ~islogical(copyToClipboard)

warning('Second argument should be logical. Assuming value is false');

copyToClipboard = false;


if isa(input, 'sym')

% Symbolic object

output = latex(input);


% Another type of object


output = latex(sym(input));


error('Could not process input. Try converting object to a symbolic form manually and then reprocess');



if copyToClipboard

clipboard('copy', output);


That should be it. A script file that could convert matrices and output them as LaTeX in addition to moving the LaTeX code into the clipboard (which can be disabled by supplying false as the second argument). If you were really lazy, you could wrap the LaTeX code in an equation environment too, but there's little point in doing that here.

Further investigation into how this works reveals that it goes deeper than the Symbolic Toolbox as it turns out it uses the Maple engine to turn the symbolic object into LaTeX output. Why reinvent the wheel when someone's already done a fine job?

Read more on this article...

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Linux, Compiz and MATLAB

Recently, a new version of Ubuntu was released and, being an Ubuntu user, I installed this latest version. For some time now, I've not been able to run MATLAB with the fancy window graphics switched on without displaying an almost blank (grey) screen. That is until finding a helpful post on the Ubuntu Forums.

For those that don't know, the "fancy window graphics" within Ubuntu and, from what I gather, other distributions of Linux are produced by a component known as Compiz which is capable of producing many interesting effects such as water ripples, a desktop cube plus many more effects.

The reason why MATLAB displays a grey box when Compiz is enabled is down to the way Java attempts to interact with window managers. According to one post I read, the problem arises due to the Java toolkit code assuming that all window managers re-parent windows. If a window manager (such as Compiz, Compiz Fusion, etc.) is running, then the Java toolkit waits for new windows to be re-parented before it starts handling certain events on them. Since Compiz and other window managers do not re-parent windows, the Java-based applications end up waiting forever.

There was a time, a year or two ago, where the fix consisted of altering the Java source which was awfully messy and didn't work for every distribution of Linux. This time, there's a better workaround which doesn't involve the AWT_TOOLKIT patch (which I, personally, could never get working). This one is a simple and makes use of the latest version of Sun's Java (as Sun eventually got around to patching this problem). MATLAB, by default, is shipped with its own Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and so is independent of the version that exists (or doesn't exist) on your workstation. We therefore have to override this information by typing in the following within the Terminal:

export MATLAB_JAVA=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/

This code simply exports the variable MATLAB_JAVA where it then exists for the lifespan of the Terminal window. Note that you should replace the path I've used to the latest Sun version of the Java Runtime suite.

From here, one can type in matlab -desktop or, simply, matlab (I am the proud owner of a broken installation which requires me to enter the -desktop argument). Typing this in every time you want to open up MATLAB could be described as arduous, so the creation of a script file that could do this for you sounds quite enticing.

If, like me, you enjoy creating random scripts that do numerous things (like connect via SSH with key authentication), you would probably have a folder where you store all your scripts. If not, it's not too early to start: create a new folder within your home folder by typing mkdir bin. If you're lucky, this should be added automatically to your $PATH variable for you (as it's defined within your .profile within your home directory. Next, type in cd bin where bin is the location to your script files. From the top of your head, think of a name to call MATLAB which will load everything for you; I'll pick matlabgo. Once you've decided, continue and replace matlabgo with the name of your choice. Type:

echo "export MATLAB_JAVA=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/" > matlabgo

echo "matlab -desktop" >> matlabgo

chmod u+x matlabgo

So we've basically created the file (without use of any editor, mind you) and then changed the permissions of our link so that we can execute (and, hence, use) it. You should now be able to type in matlabgo into the Terminal and even link up shortcuts that use this script file.

For those that are interested in my source, head to: for more information.

Read more on this article...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

SSH client and X server for Windows

If, like me, you enjoy connecting/frequently connect remotely to either a cluster/grid computing system or even a UNIX/Linux box, you'll probably be familiar with the Secure Shell (or SSH) which is normally pre-installed in some shape or form.

Those on Windows have to install a third-party application unless you plan to remote desktop into a machine (which, might I add, is not the "best" option when connecting to grid computers, etc.). So I shall attempt to delve into the Win32 side of things for a change as some colleagues recently had a spot of trouble SSH-ing into the University Grid service, Iceberg.

I have already described one use for SSH although is by no means the only thing that can be done. SSH is useful in sending command-based instructions to and from a remote computer. If, however, you wish to do something outside a terminal/command window (besides leaving the computer), one can use an X server (also fondly referred to as X11). The X server is an application which can display some form of GUI (in the form of a window) by providing a framework to the operating system for drawing and moving windows (and most of us took this for granted!). Again, with UNIX/Linux system, an X server is normally packaged with the operating system (unless you're adamant in sticking with console/command based operating systems only).

Those that use (m)any of the distributions of Linux (and possibly UNIX) may know that SSH is mostly likely going to be from the OpenSSH group which distributes both client and server-side software. Likewise, the X server is provided by the Foundation (which has a pretty predictable domain name making me wonder which came first) although it is possible that different operating systems use slightly customised versions of the X11 server (e.g. Apple (surprisingly)).

So let's go into a Windows frame of mind... we have no X server, no SSH and different commands. Whilst some would give up at this point, others will persevere abd reap what few benefits you'll get from this. Two applications spring to mind (again, there are many out there, but these are the two I'd recommend) and these are PuTTY (for SSH-ing) and Xming (which provides the X window for Windows). Xming also includes an adapted version of PuTTY which can lead to problems as I'll describe later (but not that far away in the distance). Putty provides Windows users with a means to SSH, rlogin (that's the remote login protocol) and telnet (although this option exists for many of the Windows installations) whilst allowing the connection to the configured (and, believe me, there are many options for the SSH user).

The other day, a friend asked whether it was possible to access Iceberg in Windows without having to install the Hummingbird suite (which requires a licence to be purchased). Knowing a few open source alternatives, I directed my friend to PuTTY and Xming. It turns out, they already had PuTTY and had customised the default settings to access one of the few Sun machines in the laboratory. We therefore proceeded to continue with the Xming installation (fonts inclusive) and set this up. This is when we began encountering problems as when we attempted to use SSH with the X window setup, we were unable to connect despite having entered the correct password numerous times. After a few attempts, I looked into how Xming works in our setup. The adapted version of PuTTY is what raised my suspicions and so investigated this area. I had suspected that the original (untouched) PuTTY was saving the default settings within Windows Registry and that the adapted version was also referring to the very same settings (so wasn't as altered as it perhaps could have been). To verify this, one would require access to the registry keys (oh joy). Luckily, this was quite simply...


I deleted the registry key/branch such that PuTTY was no longer in registry (at this point, I'd like to remind the read that Windows registry is quite a dangerous toy and should be used with care. Not taking care can result in temporary death of Windows and/or its applications which may or may not require result in its re-installation. The author(s) take no responsibility for themselves or the actions/inactions of the reader). The registry key can be recreated easily by simply running the PuTTY (obviously, this doesn't work should one wish to restore the entire contents of registry had one accidentally deleted the parent branch). From here, Xming could function without the need to constantly prompt for passwords. From this, I don't advise people to make changes to their default profiles within PuTTY; should they do, Xming is not guaranteed to work.

Read more on this article...

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Shiny Presentations with Beamer

In the not too distance past, I was asked to convert a set of notes for a taught module to a set of presentation slides. The work presentation has become synonymous with the words Microsoft PowerPoint within recent years and virtually every presentation you see or hear about is created using PowerPoint. Fortunately, there's a group of people (mostly academics or those that enjoy the challenge (read: have free time)) who prefer to use a (free) cross-platform solution to the presentation problem (everything to me is considered to be a problem) and that solution is: LaTeX.

With LaTeX, one is able to do a multitude of things but, on its own, is mainly restricted to nicely formatted documents without having the hassle of needing to position everything to your liking. Yes, formatting is automatic... to a large extent. There are times when its complex formatting algorithms get is slightly wrong, so you have to enter some commands to get it back on track. I won't go into great detail with the LaTeX side of things as there are many examples around that will illustrate its power to make a professional looking document look... professional.

Beamer is a LaTeX class that allows you to create a Beamer presentation. Whilst this description is pretty vague (and hasn't answered the question "what is beamer?", I can assure you that it can produce professional looking presentations with great ease. If, however, you're looking to replace PowerPoint completely with all the flashy transitions and effects (and you are one of the few that enjoy the peeling text and/or the typewriter effect), this may not be for you.

Additionally, a Beamer presentation is created as an Adobe PDF file. Whilst this may not entirely be a bad thing, for slide transitions and basic animations, Adobe Reader is really the only software available that will display these correctly. You will, otherwise, have to move frame-by-frame through each animation which is almost as bad as the typewriter effect in PowerPoint. The nice thing is that by having the output as a PDF file, most people will be able to view the presentation without having to pay for extremely expensive software. To view a Beamer presentation, neither LaTeX nor Beamer need be installed - only when creating the presentation are these packages needed. Like most good things, there is one downside: you have to install most of this yourself. Beamer does not normally come with LaTeX and if you use a Mac or a Windows machine (or even some *nix distributions), you will have to install the packages yourself. Luckily, there are some distributions of LaTeX that come complete with Beamer (which saves the hassle of installing it manually), so I suggest you read the TUG and Beamer resources for more information on what to do.

So on the assumption that you've managed to install both LaTeX and Beamer, we'll jump into the deep end by attempting to describe what everything does. Beamer, by default, has a few presentation styles which are predefined and, by no means, restricted. You can set up your own template with its own colour set once you're familiar with the layout and syntax of both LaTeX and Beamer. To get started, I'll firstly define a basic slide.

% For handouts (comment for slides)
%\pgfpagesuselayout{2 on 1}[a4paper,border shrink=5mm]
% End of handout section

% % For slides (comment for handouts)
% % End of Slides section


\usetheme{UoS} % like Berlin

% % Sheffield Theme
% \usetheme{SheffieldCol}
% \renewcommand{\encodingdefault}{T1}
% \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{steph}
% \renewcommand{\sfdefault}{blake}
% \renewcommand{\ttdefault}{pcr}

\title{My First Presentation}
\subtitle{Chapter 1: How to use Beamer}
\author{Andrew Hills}\institute{The University of Sheffield}
\date{3\textsuperscript{rd} February 2008}





% Motivation and Examples


\item Beamer presentations are in PDF format meaning that virtually anyone can view a presentation without the need to use a bloated office software package.
\item \LaTeX has the ability to create simple and effective documents which is inherited in the Beamer class.
\item Mathematical equations can be added simply without the need to use a third-party equation editor e.g. $\sum_{n=1}^6 \alpha_n + \frac{1}{n}\beta = \gamma$


The header information opens by telling LaTeX what type of document we want to create which, in this case is beamer. We have the option to create handouts or slides - I've added both (but commented out one so it will compile) and can be switched easily. On the \usepackage{...} side, we can specify what font packages (if any) we wish to use. As an engineer, I write documents with some equations and, more frequently, linear algebra. As a result, I've added the American Mathematical Society's mathematics class and font package. The AMS package allows me to (easily) create nicely formatted matrices and vectors, providing I remember the command. We then continue with the normal LaTeX preamble which specifies the document's owner and the document's title.

Creating a slide is fairly easy. You declare that you want to start a new frame by typing \begin{frame}, declare a frame title by using the subtly named tag \frametitle{My Title}, write some words down before finally closing the frame with the code \end{frame}. Easy. A title frame can be created without much fuss by using the code \titlepage between a \begin{frame} and \end{frame}. Table of contents? No problem: declare a frame as before and then use the tag \tableofcontents. LaTeX does the rest.

So, at this point, you could create some basic slides and handouts. Pictures can be added using the tag \includegraphics[options]{loction/of/file.ext}. Options are optional (so don't include the square brackets if you don't wish to specify anything) or you can specify exact measurements such as height=4cm and LaTeX will do just that without deforming the image (i.e. it keeps the same aspect ratio). Additionally, should you create handouts, the slides are rescaled meaning that you don't have to alter any of the measurements in order to cater for the smaller area. Graphics should be of certain file types: PDF files work as do .png files (I'm certain JPEG will work too, but others won't be as forthcoming due to the nature of the PDFLaTeX compiler).

There are numerous templates available (as I mentioned earlier) which are pre-installed with the Beamer class (on *nix and on Macs, the files are stored within your LaTeX path under tex/latex/beamer/themes/; MS Windows-wise... I'm unsure but shouldn't be difficult to locate). Try \usetheme{Berlin} which, in fact, utilises the beamerthemeBerlin.sty file within the theme directory. The theme files specify which colour, inner and outer themes to apply. The colour theme is, as its name suggests will alter the colour settings of the template whereas the inner theme alters the internal layout such as bullet points. The outer theme dictates the overall layout of the slides, so if you want slide numbers and other miscellaneous information on all your slides (e.g. logos), then the outer style is what you'll need to edit. When I first started playing with these files, I copied them to my local directory (so as not to corrupt the original files (again)) and then renamed the themes such that they wouldn't interfere with the predefined template styles.

The easiest and, quite possibly, simplest edit is the colour scheme. As every business entity knows, a corporate colour scheme using garish and often clashing colours is the route to success. The University is no exception, so I set about altering the colour style sheet to match the University's colour scheme. With a palette of baby blues and hot pink, I was half way to converting the University endorsed PowerPoint template with a Beamer template (which would, of course, save the patience and perhaps lives of the few that prefer Beamer). Colours can be defines with a Style file using RGB controls: \definecolor{sheffieldblue}{rgb}{0.16, 0.1, 0.44} where each value is between 0 and 1 represents the elements red, green and blue respectively. Remember that HTML and other scripting languages normally require colour values between 00 and FF (that's 00 and 255 in decimal) for each RGB value.

Unfortunately, the master template can be difficult to edit if you want to dramatically redesign it. Your best bet is to try to find a template that is close to the end product (or as close as you can get to it) and then begin butchering it. It's what I did in order to get a slide that resembles the University's own (no matter how painful it looks). Patience and a lot of looking up TeX and LaTeX commands will help you along your way. By this point, you should have a good template that you can now use for your presentations. I mentioned transitions and animations earlier - none of which I have experimented with but I have seen them in action elsewhere. As a result, I won't go into details.

So what about fonts? Do you miss the Windows fonts that you were so used to seeing in Microsoft PowerPoint presentations? Luckily, there's plenty of information here... plus you'll have the added joy of facilitating ligatures (yes, I know, it's a link to Wikipedia *shudder*) and other typographical features. The fonts that are provided with LaTeX already have these features enabled by default. The problem with ligatures arises when you've imported a TTF (TrueType Font) into LaTeX. First thing's first, how do you import a TTF font? There's a utility called ttf2tfm which should exist on *nix and Mac LaTeX installations and should come with the MikTeX distribution for Windows users. You'll also need a copy of the T1 encoding file T1-WGL4.enc which you can get from either Rakityansky's or Cheong's site. This file is basically a font descriptor file for the TrueType font layout. You will need to then run the command:

ttf2tfm times.ttf -q -T T1-WGL4.enc -v ectimes.vpl rectimes.tfm >>

ttf2tfm timesi.ttf -q -T T1-WGL4.enc -v ectimesi.vpl rectimesi.tfm >>

ttf2tfm timesbd.ttf -q -T T1-WGL4.enc -v ectimesbd.vpl rectimesbd.tfm >>

ttf2tfm timesbi.ttf -q -T T1-WGL4.enc -v ectimesbi.vpl rectimesbi.tfm >>

For the above example, it takes Times New Roman's normal, italics, bold and bold & italics TTF files and parses them individually. For some fonts, you may only have the one TTF file. Rakityansky details how to create slanted versions of the Times New Roman font, so check that out if you wish to do just that. At this point, you have the font files which can be used as they are, but currently are ligature-less. Despite the ligatures existing in the converted TFM file (providing the TTF file had the ligatures), the ttf2tfm utility did not generate the necessary associations so we will have to manually add them (oh joy). To do this, we need to convert the TFM file to a .pl file using the tftopl utility which is used as follows:

tftopl rectimes.tfm

The resulting .pl file will contain a list of ligature and character information which all seems quite strange at first. As pointed out by Cheong, it's simply a case of adding some lines along the lines of (pardon the pun):

(LIG C i D 28)
(LIG C - D 21)
(LABEL D 21)
(LIG C - D 22)

This is read as follows:

Line 2: If the character starts with "f"
Line 3: The next character is "i", use character number 28 (in decimal) (which should be the ligature for the combined fi - check the character font map of the TTF file)
Line 3:No more for this character
Line 4: If the character starts with "-"
Line 5: And the next character is also a "-", use the character number 21 (in decimal) which should give an en-dash
Line 6: No more for this ligature
Line 7: If the character is decimal 21 (i.e. line 5)
Line 8: And the proceeding character is a "-", use character number 22 (which should be em-dash).

For a font with more ligatures, you may be able to define ff, ffl and ffi:

(LIG C i D 28)
(LIG C f D 27)
(LIG C l D 29)
(LABEL D 27)
(LIG C l D 31)
(LIG C i D 30)
(LIG C - D 21)
(LABEL D 21)
(LIG C - D 22)

Check that you have these ligatures first otherwise whenever one types ffl or ffi in a document, it'll be replaced with a professional looking blank space. So once you've got your .pl file sorted out, you can recompile it back into the TFM file it once was. To do this, use the utility pltotf which is used as follows:

pltotf rectimes.tfm

Whilst you could try using your new fonts, you may find that it won't work correctly as LaTeX will try and look for a font descriptor file (they have .fd as their file extension0. The font descriptor file tells LaTeX which fonts to use depending on the setting. In some cases, it may not be possible to define a font in particular condition (e.g. slanting), so by telling LaTeX to use a substitute, the text will still display without any major issues. For every font style, you specify a {n}ormal, {sl}anted and {it}alics definition. This can be done to each of the categories bold type {b}, normal {m} and bold-extended {bx}. The file descriptor file can look like:

\ProvidesFile{t1MyRomanFont.fd}[Description of font]


\DeclareFontShape{T1}{MyRomanFont}{m}{n}{<-> rectimes}{}

\DeclareFontShape{T1}{MyRomanFont}{bx}{n}{<-> rectimesbd}{}

\DeclareFontShape{T1}{MyRomanFont}{m}{it}{<-> rectimesi}{}

\pdfmapline{+rectimes\space <times.ttf\space><t1-wgl4.enc} space=""><timesbd.ttf\space><t1-wgl4.enc} space=""><timesi.ttf\space><t1-wgl4.enc}></t1-wgl4.enc}></timesi.ttf\space>

At this point, you can use your fonts by using any one of two methods (possibly more, but these should suffice). The first is to renew either the RM (Roman) or SF (Serif) font set used by LaTeX by adding the following code to the header of your LaTeX file:


Whereas the second method is to simply call the font as and when you require it using something like:


Again, this should go in the preamble of your document (i.e. before \begin{document} but after the \documentclass{...} tag).

You've got a lot of files now that were used in the transfer process of TTF to TFM. Unfortunately, some of these will have to remain. The TTF file will have to stay (as will the TFM file). I didn't go into detail as to what the .map file did but will now briefly mention it: the .map file pieces the italics, bold and italics & bold fonts together so when you request any of these options, LaTeX will automatically use the correct font. This is in addition to your font descriptor file .fd as described earlier.

Whilst this will work, the fonts will be compiled as bitmaps which aren't particularly useful. Rakityansky describes that one can create Adobe Font Metrics to overcome this problem. I won't go regurgitate what he has already written (as I doubt I can do a better job). If you do use this method, you'll notice that new TFM files will be created (which is something we already have), so this will mean you'll have to redefine the ligatures should you decide to overwrite the files.

Cleaning up

As I mentioned earlier, at this point, you'll probably have lots of files. Some of these have to stay, but other don't. Those that stay should be the Font Descriptor files (.fd), the encoding file (T1-WGL4.enc), the TrueType Font file (.ttf), the font metric file (.tfm), the Adobe Font Metric File (if you proceeded down this route) (.afm) and the font MAP files (.map). The rest can go... with the exception of any LaTeX document, of course!

Read more on this article...

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Simple BASH-based Queue System

I'm rather new to the entire Linux shell scripting world. After a brief look into BASH (Bourne-Again Shell), the default shell used in Ubuntu which I have installed on my office machine, I set about on my next mini-project.

Whilst I have seen many examples of BASH in use (like drawing ASCII circles, etc.), I thought that I should develop something seemingly useful (seeing that the office machine isn't used for anything particularly useful, except experimenting and Microsoft Office on the Windows partition for those that absolutely insist on sending attachments in MS Office formats). Anyway (I digress), I planned to create a workhorse machine which would perform all my MATLAB simulations, etc. automatically. Actually, it'd be a cheap (and slimmed-down) version of the University's grid service: Iceberg

So with some sticky-back plastic, I set about sorting out SSH (Secure Shell) availability on Ubuntu such that I could "dial in" to the office machine, submit a job and log-out (SSH will allow you to establish a remote shell and, with the X-server, you can also receive graphics/windows allowing, essentially, a complete remote working solution). With SSH set for a single (restricted) account, I altered the account's home directory access control such that the queue manager account would have read and write access to files (otherwise, no tasks will ever be started, let alone completed). So with SSH working and an account for working remotely, it was now possible to build the foundations of the queue manager.

Submitting Tasks/Jobs

The first step was to establish a path that both tasks could be queued to and script files related to the queue system could be stored. I chose /home/queue/ so as not to cause any grief to the already-fudged system files and directories I had been experimenting with on previous occasions. The first task problem to overcome was how to create these task files such that the queue manager could execute each one consecutively. The simplest solution was to save every task as a script file within the common queue directory. To overcome the problem of multiple tasks with the same name, each task/job was given a unique Job ID which would, in effect, also act as a receipt. The resulting submitjob script file was created (again, my apologies for the formatting issues):

# Used to submit jobs to the Queue Manager
# Version: 0.1 (24th October 2007)
# Author: Andrew

# Generate a job ID
jobid="`date +%y%m%d%H%M%S`-$RANDOM"

# Check to see if a parameter has been given
if [ $# != 1 ]
echo ' ERROR: Job to submit not specified'
echo ' '
echo " Usage: `basename $0` [file to submit]"
echo ' '
exit 1

# Check to see if the file does not exist
if [ ! -e $1 ]
echo " ERROR: The file \"$1\" does not exist."
exit 1

# Rename the current file
mv $1 ${jobid}.job

if [ $? -eq 0 ]
# Copy the job file
cp ${jobid}.job ${QUEUEPATH}
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
# Error copying to queue path
echo " ERROR: Unable to copy ${jobid}.job to ${QUEUEPATH}"
exit 1
echo " ERROR: Unable to create new job file with ID: ${jobid}"
exit 1

echo ' '
echo " You have been assigned job ID ${jobid}"
echo ' ************************************'
echo ' '
echo ' Please make a note of your job ID as you will need this'
echo ' to stop your job and/or know when your job has finished'
echo ' '
echo ' As a reminder, the job submission file has been renamed'
echo " to the corresponding job ID ${jobid}.job. This file"
echo ' can be safely deleted as the job is now in the queue.'
echo ' '

Note the use of the global variable QUEUEPATH. This is set to the queue path whenever a Terminal session is created which means the path can be updated or altered at a later date without the need to change all the source files). To distinguish job files from other types of files, I skilfully appended the file extension .job to all task files.
So now we've submitted a job file, we'd preferable want to be able to do some things with it, so we move onto the queue manager itself.

The Queue Manager

The queue manager's job, as its name implies, is to manage jobs by checking for new script files to execute and... well, execute them. To get a fair idea of what to run, a simple directory listing would do the job which could then be recorded to a text file. If the file was empty, it should act idle and await a task (without hogging processor cycles so as not to hinder other unproductive work) whereas if there were entries within the list of job files, it should execute them consecutively. This immediately screams the need for a loop of some description and, due to our lack of knowledge on how many files there will be, we'd need to use a do...done loop. This should also ring some alarm bells as we'd need some kind of condition (other than Ctrl + C) to terminate the queue manager. Whilst I could invest time in creating an intelligent solution to this problem, I opted for another file creation system (namely a file called quit.job which would terminate the loop should the queue manager see this file).

Anyone could then technically create a file called quit.job and terminate the queue manager (i.e. sabotage... although "who?" remains a good question and only fuels my paranoia), so the owner would need to be determined. Luckily, Linux has a utility called whoami which, unlike the Jackie Chan movie, determines who's the current user (great for those that forget who they are... like the Jackie Chan movie). This is also embedded into the BASH statements as the tag -O filename.ext which makes the task of identification extremely easy. Additionally, the ability to notify the owner of task completion (and even when a job starts) can be done through the sendEmail program. This script file is included below (I have, however, altered the email address and SMTP mail server fields to minimise the risk of junk mail and a very unhappy University):

# Basic queue manager for running jobs remotely.
# Version: 0.1 (24th October 2007)
# Author: Andrew

# Ensure a command to quit doesn't already exist
rm -f ${QUEUEPATH}quit.job

echo ' Queue Manager Initialising...'
echo ' '
echo ' Entering looping state...'
true # Loop forever
# Check to see if there are jobs
ls ${QUEUEPATH} | grep .job > ${QUEUEPATH}contents.txt
nextjob=`head -1 ${QUEUEPATH}contents.txt`
# Then check to see if there's something in this variable. If not, then there's not job to run
if [[ ! -z $nextjob ]]
# There's a job to run
echo "Job ${nextjob%%.job} Started"

# Extract notification information
notification=`fgrep "#$" "${QUEUEPATH}$nextjob" | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]" | fgrep "notify" | head -1 | tr -d " " | cut -c10-11`

if [[ ! -z $notification ]]
# Extract email information
emailadd=`fgrep "#$" "${QUEUEPATH}$nextjob" | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]" | fgrep "email" | head -1 | tr -d " " | cut -c9-50`

# Check to see if a notification should be sent at the start of the job
if [[ ( $notification = 1 || $notification = 3 ) && ! -z $emailadd ]]
sendEmail -f "" -t "$emailadd" -u "Job ${nextjob%%.job} Started" -m "Hi,\n\nAs requested, this message is to inform you that job ${nextjob%%.job} started at `date`\n\nRegards,\n\nAndrew" -s "smtp.mail.server.address" -q

# Run the job in a new bash shell
bash ${QUEUEPATH}$nextjob

# Job complete tell user

if [[ ( $notification = 2 || $notification = 3 ) && ! -z $emailadd ]]
sendEmail -f "" -t "$emailadd" -u "Job ${nextjob%%.job} Completed" -m "Hi,\n\nAs requested, this message is to inform you that job ${nextjob%%.job} completed at `date`\n\nRegards,\n\nAndrew" -s "smtp.mail.server.address" -q

# Now Job is complete. Remove the file
rm -f ${QUEUEPATH}${nextjob}
echo ' '
echo "Job ${nextjob%%.job} Finished"

# There's no job to run

# In order to save the poor computer, sleep for 2 seconds
sleep 2

# Need to check for the quit.job file and
# confirm that the owner is whoami
if [[ -e ${QUEUEPATH}quit.job ]]
if [[ -O ${QUEUEPATH}quit.job ]]
echo " Owner of file different to `whoami`. Removing file"
rm -f ${QUEUEPATH}quit.job

# If outside the main loop, the quit file exists.
# Need to delete the file and then inform user of
# the quit command
echo ' Quit file detected. The Queue Manager is shutting down...'
# Delete the file
rm -f ${QUEUEPATH}quit.job
echo ' Clean-up complete. Queue Manager finished.'

So there you have it. One queue manager completed. You may notice some rather odd goings-on with the email address system as it parses the header information from a task script file which would contain information such as the what type of notifications to send (when starting and/or finishing a job). I have also set a default time of 2 seconds before checking for new items in the queue should there be no jobs to execute in order to minimise CPU cycle wastage.


As I mentioned earlier, my intention is to use the office machine as a workhorse that would, predominantly, run consecutive MATLAB simulations. MATLAB has the ability to run under a Terminal window (handy for those that dislike the memory hungry Java GUI in favour of the trusty (not to mention stable) Terminal window). This is possible thanks to the arguments -nojvm -nosplash -nodisplay which seem pretty self-explanatory. One thing to take note is that as the GUI is essentially disabled, no windows will appear (so forget using the plot feature in this mode - you're better outputting the contents into other interpretors like Python's matplotlib library which, in my opinion, is far more customisable (and, hence, more powerful?) compared to MATLAB's inbuilt plot function). So, courtesy of the Iceberg team, I give you the matlabjob script:

# For running matlab jobs
echo ' Usage: matlabjob matlab_script_file [output_file] '
echo ' '
echo ' This command runs the MATLAB script file in'
echo ' non-interactive, non-graphical mode'
echo ' '
echo ' if the output_file is not specified, output is directed to stdout'
if test -z "$1"
exit 1
if test -f "$1"
if test -z "$2"
matlab -nojvm -nosplash -nodisplay < "$1"
matlab -nojvm -nosplash -nodisplay < "$1" > "$2"
echo "$1" "is not a file"

Create a job file

Creating a job file that conforms with the specification required by the queue manager is important and so, to facilitate the user in creating a compliant script file, a wizard was created. Now, whenever I hear wizard, I normally shudder (no, not childhood trauma as you'd expect) and this is mainly down to the fact that most wizards you see nowadays try to do everything for you (including mess up everything - I need no help in this area). In order to please the end user (i.e. myself and perhaps a few other people in the office I could force to use this system), I developed a wizard that could create a script file with minimum intervention. Yes, there are better ways to do this kind of thing (like create a GUI, take up memory and crash your system), but I wanted a complete BASH solution to my queuing woes (after all, isn't it just the British that queue? (I suppose mainly out of necessity really)). As you're probably wondering what the hell I'm talking/writing/typing about, here's the code:

# This creates a job file which can be read by the queue manager
# Version: 0.1 (27th October 2007)
# Author: Andrew

# Custom function for extending path names
tolongpath() {
if [[ "$1" = /* ]]
echo "$1"
echo "`pwd`/$1"

# Set version

if [[ $# = 1 ]]
# There's only one argument
# Check to see if the file has the .m extension
if [[ "$1" != *.m ]]
# The parameter doesn't seem to be an m-file. It's probably a log
elif [[ $# > 2 ]]
echo 'ERROR: Too many parameters'
echo ' '
echo "USAGE: `basename $0` [matlab_script_to_run.m] [job_file.job]"
echo " NOTE: Both parameters are optional"
echo ' '
exit 2
# Check for a second parameter
if [ -z "$2" ]

echo '# This file was created using the interactive tool' > $outputfile
echo "# called `basename $0`, version $version" >> $outputfile
echo "# Creation date: `date`" >> $outputfile
echo '# ' >> $outputfile
echo ' ' >> $outputfile

# Loop until we get a desired answer
while [[ "$emailnotify" != n* && "$emailnotify" != y* ]]
echo -en "Do you wish to enable email notification for your job? [y/n]: "
read emailnotify
emailnotify=`echo $emailnotify | tr [:upper:] [:lower:]`

# If email notification is required
if [[ "$emailnotify" == y* ]]
# Now perform email check:
while [[ "$emailnotify" != *@* || ( "$emailnotify" != *.co* &&
"$emailnotify" != * ) ]]
echo ' '
echo -e "Please enter a valid email address to which the"
echo -en "notifications will be sent to: "
read emailnotify
# Append this email address to the output file
echo "#$ email=$emailnotify" >> $outputfile

while [[ $emailnotify -lt 1 || $emailnotify -gt 3 ]]
echo ' '
echo 'Would you like notification when the job...'
echo '1. Commences'
echo '2. Completes'
echo '3. Commences and Completes'
echo ' '
echo -en "[Please select 1, 2 or 3]: "
read emailnotify

# Now add this to the job file
echo "#$ notify=$emailnotify" >> $outputfile

# End of email section
# From here, we deal with just job that will be carried out

# Automatic mode...

if [[ "$1" = *.m ]]
echo ' '
echo 'MATLAB file detected as input variable. Automatically configuring setup file...'
if [[ -e $1 && -f $1 ]]
if [[ "$1" = */* ]]
# The file already has a path
echo "matlabjob \"$1\"" >> $outputfile
# Relative paths work okay
echo "matlabjob \"`pwd`/$1\"" >> $outputfile
echo ' '
echo "Job file created successfully. You can now submit the job file \"$outputfile\""

# # Change the permissions within the directory
# $pathtochange=`readlink -f "$1"`
# $pathtochange=`dirname "$pathtochange"`
# chmod -R -f o+rwx $pathtochange/*
exit 0
echo "Could not find MATLAB file \"`pwd`/$1\"."
echo "Please ensure this file exists"
# Remove the output file as it's only longer required due to the failure
rm -f $outputfile
exit 2

# Manual mode...

# Ask the user if their job is MATLAB based
# Loop until we get a desired answer
while [[ "$ismatlab" != n* && "$ismatlab" != y* && "$ismatlab" != a* ]]
echo ' '
echo -en "Is the job MATLAB based (you need to have prepared a m-file)? [y/n/(a)bort]: "
read ismatlab
ismatlab=`echo $ismatlab | tr [:upper:] [:lower:]`

# Check input
if [[ "$ismatlab" = a* ]]
# Request to abort received
exit 1
elif [[ "$ismatlab" = y* ]]
# MATLAB will be used

# Tell the user the shortcut that can be used - currently only available for .m files
echo "HINT: You can use \"`basename $0` [matlab_script_to_run.m] [job_file.job]\""
echo " to quickly create a Job file. You will then only be prompted for"
echo " email notifications."
echo ' '

# Loop until we get a desired answer
while [[ "$ismatlab" != n* && "$ismatlab" != y* ]]
echo ' '
echo -en "Do you wish to take any MATLAB output to a file (for debugging)? [y/n]: "
read ismatlab
ismatlab=`echo $ismatlab | tr [:upper:] [:lower:]`
if [[ "$ismatlab" = y* ]]
# Take the name of the filename
echo ' '
echo -e "Please enter the name of the file you wish to save the output to: "
read logoutput

# Now to get the MATLAB script from the user
while [[ ( "$matlabfile" != *.m && ! -e $matlabfile ) || -d $matlabfile ]]
echo ' '
echo -e "Please enter the filename of the script (including the .m extension): "
read matlabfile

# Now check the path
matlabfile=`tolongpath "$matlabfile"`

# Check to see if an output should be taken and write the necessary line
if [[ -z $logoutput ]]
# No log output
echo "runmatlab \"$matlabfile\"" >> $outputfile
logoutput=`tolongpath "$logoutput"`
echo "runmatlab \"$matlabfile\" \"$logoutput\"" >> $outputfile

# # Change the permissions within the directory
# $pathtochange=`readlink -f "$matlabfile"`
# $pathtochange=`dirname "$pathtochange"`
# chmod -R -f o+rwx $pathtochange/*

# Finally, there's no need to continue running the script, so exit
exit 0
# Ask the user whether a script file will run

# Loop until we get a desired answer
while [[ "$isscript" != n* && "$isscript" != y* ]]
echo -en "Has your job been created as a BASH-compatible script file? [y/n]: "
read isscript
isscript=`echo $isscript | tr [:upper:] [:lower:]`

# If email a BASH script will run is required
if [[ "$isscript" == y* ]]
# Script bash script to run. Which script?
while [[ ! -e $scriptfile || -d $scriptfile ]]
echo ' '
echo -e "Please enter the filename of the script (including the extension, if any): "
read scriptfile

# We now have a script file. It should be checked, but, on good faith,
# we assume file is okay

# Check the path and should it be a relative path, put it into its longer context
scriptfile=`tolongpath "$scriptfile"`

# Now add the line to the job file. There may be other arguments
# that could be added to the job file to customise the bash window
echo "bash \"$scriptfile\"" >> $outputfile

# No script will run. Nothing left to do
echo 'Create Job script finished. Nothing else to do.'
echo 'No job information was created - just a header.'
echo "Job file created as $outputfile. Add commands to the end of this file"

So there you have it. The createjob script has been designed for MATLAB scripts in mind (although it will run other types of script files) in order to make that process easier (otherwise, users would be required to enter the corresponding MATLAB arguments and, should they forget, my office machine will have opened instances of MATLAB in GUI mode which could seriously cause some problems).

Other files

There exist other files that enable the remote user to view items within the queue and delete items from the queue in addition to the utility that ends the queue manager. None of which I will go into detail as they're simple script files, so I'll only say that they exist (and work).


Current statistics show that nobody is using it and I haven't any simulations to run just yet... not only that but Iceberg was recently upgraded such that the potential user(s) I had in mind will want to use the more powerful resources available to them... that is until I create a multi-CPU queue system which will happen as soon as I get my hands on a redundant computer within the office...

I should also mention the fact that the above has undergone a few revisions which aren't shown here - they're relatively minor changes, but has made the "experience" slightly better. Everything you see above was designed and implemented over the course of three days (I make that clear otherwise it would appear no academic work is done throughout my work week - a fair comment to make). Additionally, as with all small print, I take no responsibility for any damage to your office computer (or mine come to that matter) should you go about implementing the above.

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Plotting in MATLAB

Further searching in the murky depths of MATLAB’s documentation revealed some useful information regarding the plot function. Whilst it may be common knowledge that plotting is fairly simple, there are some nice additions that can be made to a default-style plot that can enhance its appearance.

  1. The first is the popular grid function. It’s simple and does what it says - adds a grid to the plot. Most people either state grid or grid on, but if you fancy being different, try grid minor
  2. The second is the box function. Again, its name suggests that it adds (or removes) the box around a plot. Again, it’s possible to enter box or box off. For most, if not all, plots the box function removes the thin black frame - essentially enabling you to blend the plot into the background.
  3. Next on my list is the axis function. MATLAB has the tendency to fit all the data on a plot and disregards scaling by default. In order to correct this, you can issue the axis equal command which sets the aspect ratio so that the data units are the same in every direction. I, personally, have found this useful on many occasions as a plot is no longer distorted.

But then, MATLAB’s plot function only plots what it knows how to plot. So the structure that you created which encapsulates virtually every data type available cannot be plotted by simply typing in plot(myStructure). There are, however, several ways for you to overcome this. You could either rewrite the plot function (not recommended) or simply overload the plot function. Overloading the function will involve some programming on your part, but it can be done.

How you overload it is up to you. I have two methods that overload the plot function. One will operate when only one input is entered (it can be adapted to multiple inputs if necessary) and the other will work with any given number of inputs (basically, a method that uses a sledgehammer to crack a walnut).

My first proposal (my apologies for the formatting by the way - I have yet to find a way to control this): (Edit 02/02/2008: this appears to have only worked the once, so please refer to the second long-winded proposal)

function plot(p)

% Decide if the argument is a structure

if ~isstruct(p)

% Not a structure so run built-in code
disp('Executing built-in code');


% Is a structure so run built-in code
disp(’Executing custom code’);


So what’s gone on here, you may ask. Good question. This function is only called when one input is specified (and is called if the file falls into one of the directories added using the addpath method or is in be current directory). Should the first input be of type structure, it runs some custom code (to, perhaps, verify the input data before ripping it apart in order to plot it). If, on the other hand, the input is of some data type that isn’t a structure (e.g. of type double or of type char), then the built-in/hard-wired function is executed using the builtin function.

Should you be feeling particularly adventurous, you could follow proposal two (although this is not recommended as there are definitely better ways in accomplishing this task). So, for novelty value, I have included below the method that uses the sledgehammer to crack one rotten walnut.

My second proposal:

function plot(varargin)

% Criteria for executing custom code

if 3 > length(varargin{1}) && nargin == 1

disp('My own defined function');

if isstruct(varargin{1})

% Run custom code here
% Note: You could still call the plot command here - as long as it
% eventually calls the built-in function

error('Unexpected input: expected a structured object');



disp(’Running built-in parent function’);

% You may want to cover the structured case below using the
% "isstruct()" function

if isnumeric(varargin{1})

% It appears that numeric data is entered
tempstring = mat2str(varargin{1});


% Not numeric
tempstring = ['’ varargin{1} ‘’];


for i = 2:length(varargin)

if isnumeric(varargin{i})

% Numeric data entered - put into matrix form
tempstring = [tempstring ', ' mat2str(varargin{i})];


% Not a string - just save as text
tempstring = [tempstring ‘, ‘'’ varargin{i} ‘'’ ‘];



% Uncomment for debugging (lets you see the run string):
%[’builtin('’plot'’,’ tempstring ‘)’]

% Render the command using the tempstring as arguments
eval(['builtin(''plot'',' tempstring ')'])


The above takes every input possible and, according to your “run my custom code” criteria will run your custom code and take any of the other inputs. In this example, it takes the first input and checks to see if it’s of size 1 (i.e. not multi-dimensional - the code’s bad enough as it is) and that there is only one input. It then moves onto the next step: determining if the first input is a structure. That’s all this function does. I am aware that it probably won’t accept every form of input either - that’s for version 2.
The remainder of the above reforms the original expression (i.e. plot(input1, input2, ..., etc); ) and uses the eval command to execute the builtin command to plot the data. Whilst this is absolutely pointless for most purposes, it merely works as a proof of concept (well, that’s the excuse I’m sticking to) and could be useful for amending the plot function for multiple inputs (particularly where one is unable to know in advance the number of input arguments that will be used).

So, in conclusion, if you wanted to override the built-in plot function, it’s an idea that you know the number of inputs beforehand and then only override that instance of the plot function. Otherwise, your work suddenly becomes all the more complicated… or interesting as I prefer to call it.

Update: 2nd February 2008
After searching for an alternative solution having found the first proposal no longer worked, I found a way to reduce the content of the second version which should also take care of possible problems. The first few lines are the same (i.e. the code that determines whether to execute the custom code which, in this case, is determined by a structured input) but it's the parsing part that has been hugely altered.

And the part you've been waiting for...

function plot(varargin)

% Criteria for executing custom code

if 3 > length(varargin{1}) && nargin == 1

disp('My own defined function');

if isstruct(varargin{1})

% Run custom code here
% Note: You could still call the plot command here - as long as it
% eventually calls the built-in function

error('Unexpected input: expected a structured object');



disp(’Running built-in parent function’);

builtin('plot', varargin{:})


It works as before (using the builtin function to use the original plot function so functionality isn't lost). It's simple and there's no complex parsing or reconstruction of inputs (shame), so I don't know why I didn't think of this in the first instance.

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MATLAB Licence Management

For those that enjoy altering MATLAB licence files and/or working remotely, this may be of interest to you. Providing you have access to your workplace’s VPN server and that the IT department haven’t locked the network down, you may be able to run MATLAB remotely.

As described by MathWorks, your licence file header may contain a line in the form:

SERVER Licence_Server_Name HostID TCP_PortNumber

When using your (company/institution’s) computer remotely, you are likely going to be on a different domain name regardless of whether you are connected via VPN or not. Consequently, if you are having problems opening MATLAB despite using VPN in the hope it will connect to the licence server, you may wish to check your licence file header before assuming it’s a firewall/network configuration issue.

You can find the licence files (named “license.dat” - take note of the spelling) within your MATLAB directory ($MATLAB).

For Windows installations: $MATLAB\bin\win32\license.dat

For Unix installations: $MATLAB/etc/license.dat

Now, before one starts altering these licence files, consider backing up the original files.

Open the license.dat file within the text editor of your choice and check the form of the header as mentioned above. Should the Licence_Server_Name field not be of the form or but is instead stated as server, this will at least be partly, if not entirely, responsible for the licence issues you are having.

By simply stating the licence server as server, the local computer appends its local domain name and extension (as set by the network configuration) to the server name in the belief that the licence server is connected to your local network. By appending your workplace’s domain and domain extension (i.e. .com,, etc.) to the licence server name, the local computer will attempt to connect to the server under your workplace’s domain.

Once you have made changes to your licence file, save it, establish a connection through VPN and then fire up MATLAB. This should solve any issues where two or more networks try to connect to one licence server that is connected to only one of those networks (where each network has a different domain name).

Should this not have solved your problems, it’s possible that the IT department have either used IP filtering (to limit the range in IP addresses that connect to the server) or have invested in a firewall that blocks the port TCP_PortNumber.

So, in a nutshell (and for those that enjoy procedural steps):

  1. Backup your license.dat file
  2. Open your license.dat file in a text editor
  3. Ensure that a domain is indeed specified within the header where the header is in the following form:
    SERVER Licence_Server_Name HostID TCP_PortNumber
  4. If the Licence_Server_Name has a (valid) domain and extension, the problem appears to be caused by a firewall or IP filtering.
    If the Licence_Server_Name doesn’t have a domain and extension, add one (preferably your workplace domain and domain extension) such that the header now reads:
    SERVER Licence_Server_Name.Domain.Ext HostID TCP_PortNumber
  5. Save any changes made
  6. Establish a VPN connection, load MATLAB and await results
  7. If it is either hanging or you have receiving error messages about the licence manager, it’s possible that the domain and domain extension entered is incorrect. Otherwise, the IT department have a firewall or IP filter that’s blocking your licence request.

Another thing to bear in mind is that you should, in theory, keep your VPN connection open whilst you are using MATLAB. By doing so, any other licence requests can be sent to the licence server (such as checking out and checking in toolboxes) when required without causing any further grief. Hence, you should really only disconnect from VPN once MATLAB has closed.

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